søndag 1. april 2012

Cake & Strip club.

This weekend has been interesting.
Friday, Kenneth picked me up from school. We then went shopping for some pizza ingredients, as we were gonna make a homemade pizza (first time ever for me) and then head out to a strip club.
The results of the pizza were pretty fine, but not thanks to me. He gave me the simple jobs, but I learned. The following day I made my own attempt for a pizza, and I'd rate it a 6. Normally my pizzas end up somewhere between 1 and 2.. The one me and Kenneth made was a 9.

Anyway, as we cook I sip on 'em ciders. Then we head out, kinda at the last minute.
There was a dresscode, so I had to run back and change.. Not really a problem, it's literally right around the corner for me.
It was nice there.
There was an Italian chick.. She was a 10.. The female version of Tom Wisdom, in looks. No flaws. Perfect face.. Long, dark hair.. Big tits. Good looking tits even :P Perfect body. Perfect tan. Lovely smile. Great eyes. I was hooked on her. Got to see her twice. She wasn't that into the show though. She was the first one on stage from when we arrived, so aI had a great first impression.. Had I seen one of the 2 blondes, I'd probably end up leaving. Lolz.. There was a 2.. She was ugly all out. The only positive thing about her was that she was naked (a bit) and that the music she danced to, really fit her look. The other blonde was decent looking. But she was a bit chubby. Not that I mind, I just don't really like blondes. She was okay looking to be one, maybe a bit average though. She had good contact with the audience though, so many +++ points for that. I'd rate her a 6.
Then there was a romanian girl.. Her face wasn't all too perfect, her nose was a little too big and her eyes a little too Eastern European lol.. But overall, she looked really good. She had that look I really love.. Not natural beauty, like the Italian, but the... Fake tan, pitch black hair good makeup and clothes also.. But most of them had that covered. I'd rather her a 8.. Or 9. Not sure.. She was really amazing at dancing though, and oh so flexible. I ended up talking to her and the Italian.. The Romanian was really nice. She waved at me the second day lol. I felt so pro lolz.
Overall I liked it in there. Good atmosphere, drinks weren't overpriced, the bathroom looked good, they delivered when it comes to shows.. It looked really great in there, nice atmosphere and even good music.
I also got hit on. Was a bit amusing, but guys + stripclub (and only girls there being pricy) = lots of annoyingness. But amusing cause I had some new lines I wanted to test. Lines as in ways to turn off a guy.
Anyway, eventually I went home.. Kenneth left a bit before me.. I went on SWTOR and talked a bit to my ex. We made a "date" for the following day, also to go to the strip club (cause the Romanian isn't coming back and the club is closing for nearly 2 weeks, so I wanted to take a second look).
Anyway, next day. Extreme nausea. I decide to make my own pizza.. So pretty much my whole afternoon goes to that. I even made the dough, which makes me proud.. Fried some meat, mixed it with 2 cans of chopped tomatoes, 1 1/2 onion, half a garlic, 2 cans of corn.. Then rubbed it all over the dough.. Used some ehh blue cheese? <.< then put cheese on.. And then snap peas and olives.
Ended up quite good.
Considering how I couldn't even fry an egg a year-ish back, I'm kinda proud of myself.
Then me and roomie watched Hercules as we ate.
I overestimated my apetite though, and just got hella nauseous afterwards. And that didn't pass.
Tried to drink 2 ciders before meeting up with the ex.. Nearly vomited.
Anyway, I finally get myself out to meet him.. He can't get into the club cause of dresscode.
So we decide to "bar hop". We drop by one bar, then end up just driving around.. As we hit a place called Lillesand, we end up with a flat tire.. In the middle of a tunnel. Was rather freaky. We drove off a bit, to find a safe spot, and roomie had to pick us up.
Then we drop by my home, and I grab some ciders.. I drink while we drive my ex home. As I reach tipsy I decide to enter the strip club again.. I got about an hour and 20 mins left before closing (turned out to be longer, as they didn't close 'til 02.30).
The guards recognize me, so no need for ID. Lucky, cause I'd forgotten it.
I didn't get my Italian stripper today, but she was present.. She and the romanian had alot of guys all over them, and they managed to sell quite some amount of private lapdances. The romanian waved at me, as she sat amongst those. MENTIONED THAT BEFORE, DIDN'T I lolz.
Some black guy kept hitting on me, even after I stated how I'm taken for 3 years (a lie lolz) and blablabla.. And there was a guy who smiled at me a few times, but I made sure not to gain eye contact too much.. Got the blonde (rating 6) twice, once the Romanian and once the ugly girl.. Talked to the guards while smoking, one of them from Holland. So we had a lot to talk about. Lolz.
Ran off home the moment it closed, so the black guy wouldn't get on me.
Sat by my PC and drank for a while, until I finally passed off.


Today, I've managed to shower and wash Nitro..
And then I attempted to bake a cake. The kind that's already mixed, and you only need to add water, butter and one egg with. I managed to screw up.. Not sure how. It's all "raw" on the inside, yet burned on the outside.. And it broke everywhere. So yeah.. Skills.
Roomie is going to Poland tonight. And then my mom is visiting me tomorrow.. Haven't seen here in a while, and I have a lot on my mind.
Tonight I shall eat either bami (with lack of ingredients though, since we don't really sell the mix for the sauce.. Nor the veggies (besides in an asian shop)) or beef teriyaki without beef lolz..
I'm hella nauseous, and I feel a bit nervous also.

The cake doesn't taste too awful btw.. But it's a mess.

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