lørdag 7. april 2012


Just had my mom and sister over. They arrived Monday @ around 14.00, and just left.. Their train is to "take off" at 14.05.
It's been meaningful time spent, really. I haven't missed my old life much.. (Except appreciating school alot ofc). It's sad to see them go again, and I just keep hoping they'll return to me one day.
I've been so mad at them, probably unreasonable.. Bringing things up from the past, bringing settled matters back up.. All to have a reason to be mad at them... When in reality, I'm just pissed at them for leaving me.
People die, I get angry.. People leave me, I get filled with hatred.
I wish I could just weep, like a normal person would.

Either way..
I've had a really nice time.
First day, I barely recall. It was a bit off having them over, so it took me some adapting.
I also met up with some online guy, for the first time, IRL.. He was nice, but I have yet to speak with him since. So maybe he didn't feel the same.
Anyway, as evening came over us, me and my mom went to Meny. We bought alot of stuff and it was kinda nice, really. My mom cooked me an onion soup, which is my ultimate fav food. She makes it great, imo.
Afterwards my sister went out, I think.. I don't remember much of that day, it's kinda fuzzy. Nothing much happened, and I had to adapt to a change of scenario.
Day 2 my mom and I were to head for Denmark.. I had accidentally ordered us tickets for the morning, while intending to go in the evening, so there went 200 NOK out the window.. Gz me :P Had to reorder, and as I paid for my mom - both times - there went another 200 NOK.. Atleast I put them to use.
I was a bit stressed, and I managed to get slightly panicy right before we were heading onto the boat.
I managed to stress down eventually..
At first we went upstairs, and sat at the cafe.. My mom ordered us steak with potatoes and veggies, to have a nice meal out together.. It was nice. My mom even went back and "stole" more potatoes for me, as her servings tend to be a bit off. She likes to eat little and often, I like to eat much and rarely.
Afterwards, we had a smoke, and went to buy stuff.
The lady at the counter told me it's cheaper to buy 4 x 6packs, and insisted on it - inspite of it being more than allowed.. (I also bought a vodka bottle, and 3 smirnoffs.. But I did have my moms ticket, since she didn't need alcohol). She said she doubted they were to care about a couple of liters beyond limit, and that I'd be fine.. I went for it then and there, but afterwards I worried like crazy :P
The trip was nice.. We got to talk alot and have alot of fun.
I was proud of myself for carrying my own stuff :D Lolz.. I never do, I make everyone carry my stuff.. But my mom has a back problem, and I guess I grew up :P
In DK, we just sat outside and smoked.. Then we went in, and could pretty much go back onto the boat immediately after we went inside.
As we went outside on the boat, some weirdo Danish guy starts stalking us.. He is really talkactive, and he doesn't pick up on my sarcasm.. I remember whenever he talked to me I'd say something like "I don't understand you" or "I do not enjoy speaking to strangers" - in English ofc.. As Danish isn't my strong side.
We finally shook him off, and went inside..
I don't remember if we went upstairs, or if we checked out taxfree shop again afterwards.
I think I might have eaten a hamburger upstairs, and then went to the taxfree.
At the taxfree I bought waters and cokes and a perfume.. I had waited with waters and cokes (since it's not a must to buy it on the way there), so we wouldn't have to carry extra much.
Afterwards we more or less just sat upstairs and chatted, to go down and smoke occasionally.
I had a really nice time, either way.
My sister was out with friends that day, but it turned out later she went to a party and even drank some -.-
We weren't pleased.. She disappeared all the way until Friday anyway. The last 2 days, she was just hanging with a friend at her place.. My mom checked up on her a thousand times. I was a bit disappointed in her not hanging with me.
Anyway, as we finally arrived home, we more or less passed out immediately.
The next morning (Wednesday), I woke up early to be me.. Maybe around 10.. I managed to go back to sleep, and slept til around noon.
We had a vet appointment for Nitro, to vaccinate him - as well as get him a passport.
I was a bit worried.
At 13.15 the appointment was..
At the vet, everything went all right.. At first Nitro got to play with a random German Shephard puppy. It was fun, he didn't show any signs of agression, however he did try to dominate him.. It was amusing to watch.
Afterwards we went to take the shots.
Nitro didn't notice a thing - the vet had food on his desk -.- He had to prioritize his focus :P
But then the vet decided to cut his nails (btw, he checked his condition, and he said he was in great shape, YAY :D The work paid off)... Nitro TOTALLY whimpies.. He starts crying just by us looking at his paws, more or less.. He was really pathetic lol.
He also didn't dare to jump off the table, not even with assistance and food in the picture. Wussy daaawg :D
Afterwards my mom and me went to Meny again.. We just bought a couple of items (and some dog food).. Nitro had attacked the free samples of puppy food while we were in the shop (ofc?).
Afterwards we went home and cooked a greek inspired meal.. Some greek salad, tsatsiki, fried fish and fries.. I don't recall if we watched something or not while eating.
Later on I made San Fransisco inspired smoothies with vodka, and we watched V for Vendetta.. A definate highlight of the week. One of the best movies I've ever seen, and I managed to drink with control.. I didn't even get tipsy.. And I had a really nice time with my mom.
Afterwards I drank some waters to rehydrate, and we went to bed.
I also didn't eat anything, as I had planned to, so I was proud of that too. Alcohol always leads to bad habits, but that day I managed :D
The following day (Thursday), I don't remember too much.. I think me and my mom just chilled together, trying to make my sister come home. Afterwards my mom went to visit some people at around 6.
I then sat online and chatted some with my roomie. I also played some music, and generally had fun. My mom was supposed to be home at 10, but she had so much fun (discussing politics, jeez), so she stayed til around 1-2am.. She then came home and made some hamburger meat ready.. Then we walked Nitro together. The weather was really nice, and it was a really cool trip :D Some drunken guy loved Nitro, and told me to call him when Nitro has puppies :P Lolz.. And the weather was really nice.. Definately a great walk.. I enjoyed being alone with my mom that long, inspite of missing my sister - for the record.
Anyway, afterwards we made burgers and mashed potatoes + salad.. Ended up being too much food, so none of us finnished.. I just ate the salad and the burgers.. We also watched Planet of the apes.
I got a weird headache after I headed to the bed, but since I was exhausted, I didn't panic.
My  mom kept talking about how much this one monkey looks like Michael Jackson :P
Afterwards, I fell asleep instantly..
Woke up around 1 or so. My mom even slept that long too.
Friday we just hung around. My sister finally dropped by.. She left a bit, but not too long afterwards.
Then we went out for a road trip. We first dropped by her friend to pick up some mascara she forgot.. Then we drove to this place where someone named Jørgen used to live. He died from cancer a few years back, and was a closer friend of the family. I lived in his appartment for some weeks (when he was hospitalized), to watch over his dog. Around the time the Sunwell patch of WoW came out :P Like, the patch was out the second day or so :P I remember him having week internet, and me playing like fook.
Was nice to see the place again, I had no clue where it was or anything.
My mom talked to me a bit.. She mentioned some of that painful stuff from the past, and how if I ever wondered anything (or needed to talk to someone about it for clarity) then she could help me.. If I needed it to move on.. It was weird, cause as she mentioned these things (which I hardly remember, it's like a drunken dream <.<) my brain fucked me totally over.. I started feeling an ache in my head, and shakyness in my body, then I started overheating.. And I wanted to cry, and as I held back my tears, these weird feelings kept enhancing.. It's weird how your brain can fuck with your body. It's also weird how some events from my past hold so much power over me.
Anyway, afterwards we just drove around a bit.. I listened to music.
Then we dropped by the playground (in the centrum of K-town).. Me and my mom started acting immature, playing with all the things there lolz.. Nitro ofc went nuts, started barking at us. It was really fun :D
My mom also translated a Spanish song for me (one of my fav ones :P).
Afterwards we went home and my mom cleaned a bit.. Then she cut my hair and dyed it..
And then me and my sis made San Fransiscos.. I couldn't find the damn cherries :<
We drank a little bit (not too much tbh, couldn't really feel it) and talked a bit.. It was nice as well.
Then my mom and me chatted a bit, and eventually we all went to bed.
I ate lasagne + salad that day btw <.< Just had to mention it.
Anyway, today Nitro woke me up by running over my head.. I was like "Shit, shit" from the pain.. Then I started crying (mostly cuz I remembered my mom is leaving today though :| )
Anyway, I decided to get up.. Just chilled in bed, playing with Nitro and chatting with my mom and sister.
My mom started stressing, and ofc went emo when she left..
They  left about an hour ago, tbh.
Anyway.. right now, they're at the trainstation.. It was delayed cause the train "driver" dude was missing.. It's so lol that they even mentioned it <.<
My mom found this very amusing.. They're ready to take off now, I just heard them on the speakers (my mom's been calling me a lot while I wrote this :P) stating that.
Sounds kinda funny and unprofessional lolz.

I wanted to type this down so I'll have a way to look back on it later.
I had a great time, and I'm a little emotional about it being over. I hope they return to me (as in moving closer to me) in not too long.
Over and out.

Pic of Nitro as a puppy. Epic cuteness.

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