torsdag 23. februar 2012


So.. Today I haven't had enough sleep! Went to bed between 3-4 (with 4 as the aimed timing to fall asleep), but started coughing again.. So was probably up 'til 5 or 6. I'm unsure, I didn't really check the clock so I wouldn't be bound to my negative attitude the following day.. "Only had 4 hours of sleep, whinewhine" etc :P
Woke up around 10.45 or so.. Had a lecture at 12.10.
Almost fell asleep the whole lecture, but did manage to pay attention nevertheless.
When I was out of school though, my energy was boosted..
As I returned home, I noticed I had one fucking nosehair sticking out! So I paniced, and bought a machine.. Now I have removed 'em lolz..
I also bought 2 additional history books, and I'm extremely excited about them.. They're HUGE.. So much info that's being left out from the books we currently use. Plus, ofc, images.. And images can sometimes be helpful to remember certain aspects.
I'm gonna nerd around this weekend and read through the topics we've been through.
I think I'll follow the reading with books books. Aiming for a better grade in this subject.
I'm noticing I'm really passionate about learning, and now with these styled books, It's gonna be a lot easier. Their language is also much simpler, and my Norwegian isn't very evolved - to say the least. -.-
Anyway, life is looking pretty damn good.. I like my new haircolor (or more like my "old" one <.<), my keyboard pwns, my PC and laptop have finally been cleaned out a bit, my diet is going well, pushing people away is going pretty well too o.O, and money isn't looking so doom right now.
The house has been cleaned and meh :P I'm not really missing anything in my life..

Socially I have some new things to discuss.
My ex contacted me again (not sure if I mentioned it before), and wanted to hang out this Friday.. I'm having mixed feelings about it. Mostly cause I've always felt a friendship between us is rather awkward. He's sometimes alot to handle, cause he treats me as when we were together, but we're not.. So why should I put up with the bads? Also, it's sometimes weird to communicate with him. I like him alot as a person, but there's a lot of mixed feelings there. And in general, he's rather draining (well, everyone is, that's not something he is especially).. I don't wanna spend my time on this just to do it.. I mean, I can game at home, in more comfortable surroundings. And if all we do is chat once or twice, and then he showing off some progress in his own gaming, then it's a little boring.
Either way, I'm probably the fault of this myself.. I don't make a move to change this at all, I probably give out the impression that I prefer it that way. And truth is, I don't mind.. I just wish he'd pay me more attention, without me having to ask.. Or maybe that we could start off by going out together or doing a certain activity. Spending the night is a little much, since we keep cutting off contact and then contacting each other again.

Also it's this girl's birthday today.. The one I kinda "care" about and wish to be friends with. I don't know what to do.. Should I buy her a present? What should I buy her? I mean, if she's having a party, I'm not really invited.. Or maybe she isn't? I'm very confused about where we stand.. I might have to come up with a little something to buy, just to show I care. But NO FUCKING CLUE what.

Also, Kenneth wants to hang out tomorrow.. Don't think I feel like it. Last weekend was so awesome, I don't know if I wanna mess with it.. Just chillaxing at home, doing some homework, playing some games, watching movies.. Shutting the world off entirely! Only thing missing is alcohol.. If it wasn't for those damn hangovers -.-

Anyway, gotta cook now.. Pasta with a sauce from scratch :D

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