lørdag 25. februar 2012


Fuck it all.. I've decided not to restrict myself too much with alcohol. I should just keep it rather secretive, so no one invites me to parties, and I waste useless calories and precious time (and yes, it's hard for me to say no to an excuse to drink :P)..
And I'll keep it irregular.
As long as I'm losing weight, and otherwise living healthy, I suppose.
I also bought some new speakers today.. My old ones have been really fucked for years now. These are slightly better, twice the price :P Good old Norway -.-
But they're pretty awesome, and I'm glad not to have sound fall out all the time.. And have everything working well, and better sound ofc..
So, I'm starting to get some pretty solid stuff in my life now..
I'm really glad :)
Everything is working out better than I had hoped for a year back.
Over & Out.

On another note, I'm considering applying for Hawaii Pacific University. It might mean that all I can study is psychology, but I'll take what I can get.. My alternatives are law, psychology and psychiatry. I'll settle in order to live on Hawaii.
I've checked it abit out, and the first semester I probably have to find a way to fund myself. The rest Norway will assist with. I've also found a company that specializes in finding appartments for students of this University.. So as soon as I'm done with what I'm doing right now, I'll look into further planning of this.
Maybe I'll make my dreams come true.. Hawaii being one of the greatest ones.


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