tirsdag 14. februar 2012


I've been so unlucky to catch the seasonal flu.. On a hangover, when my period arrived.. But to top that of, I woke up with my classical indigestion (binge painz, as I call it) today.
Meaning, I got something like 3 hours of sleep.. I have school in a few hours, and there's absolutely no time to get some rest as well as the pain finnishing off in that time.
I'm not pleased.
The cold prevents me from "smoking the pain away..
I'll have a rather interesting day at school..
Thing is, I don't see being sick as reason to skip school. Physical pain is physical pain, it can be overlooked if your mind has something to focus on.. Well besides indigestion -.-
I'd rather have a permanent toothache in all my teeth than indigestion.
The symtoms I mostly experience are.. Hallo, it's burning either upper left or upper right of my stomach. Depends, usually right though.. Then my stomach swells and turns rock hard. Sometimes it feels like there's a sponge in my stomach, and it's huge. Sometimes it feels like there's a huge metal piece in me.
Either way, it makes it hard to breathe, it hurts, it makes me incapable of finding a good position (as my back has issues supporting my body when it turns like this, and laying down usually enhances the pain. Laying on stomach is impossible, laying on back usually makes it alot stronger.. I've had some success with laying on my side and waiting the pain out, but not always).
The worst part is how it seems to be never ending.. Oh and it always happens at the worst time.. In the middle of the night / morning hours.. So it destroys my chance of sleep ofc.
I've had badass indigestions last more than 12 hours, but I guess the average one lasts for about 4 hours. Probably slightly more if I don't catch it at the right time and manage to fit in something small.. Like a cup of tea or a carrot piece or something.
I'm not a doctor, but I have suffered from this since I was 17.. The past 2 years being the worst (most frequent). And I've learned some tips and tricks that can help prevent it. For starters, whole wheat products tend to increase my chance of getting this.. I do still eat them, as I've experienced a low fibre intake to also trigger this.. It seems I have issues digesting certain things though. Also banana seems to make it worse. The first night after a hangover and the night before my period seems to be the highest risk days. I'd say more than 50% chance of getting it. If the hangover didn't trigger a diarrhea, it's almost 90% chance, it seems.
Switching positions resets the progress.. It's as if the pain goes away faster if I remain in a certain position.
Obviously things like big servings and eating before bedtime increases the chance.. Also, alot of time inbetween meals or napping in the day seems to be a trigger. Also, eating small meals and then a bigger dinner.. Aka if I have a banana for breakfast, a couple of carrots later on and then dinner - I'm more likely to get this pain on a way more regular basis. I'd say once a week minimum.
Also, this pain generally makes me feel dehydrated, but drinking makes it worse.. So does pooping btw, which also can be a trigger.

Anyway.. I'm off to suffer -.-

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