lørdag 10. desember 2011

Oh well.

Alot of WoW has been going on lately. The patch 4.3 cast a fresh light on a game I've been inactive in since August. So I've rerolled to hunter now.. It's fresh, It's one of my least evolved characters so it gives me the opportunity of a fresh start.. No history holding back her potential. It's going allright, but I really hate achivement farming. I was hella proud of my 8800 on my warrior.. And yeah, it's not alot, but to me it was a lifetime of work. But it bugs me to have a main with too few achivement points too :P
I've also joined a new guild.. Norwegian 25 guild. But there's a fellow hunter there, and he seems to have quite the socializing skills. So he's surpassing me with officer suckup.. We've got similar professions. He's superior geared. They chose him over me, so they have yet to see me in action. Mostly cause their own raids have been failing. I guess I'll be patient. I don't like him as of now. I hate it when social skills dominate.. I play really well, I'm sure he does too.. We should be competing in the sense of skills, not who makes the officers feel special.

Anyway.. Been a smaller storm here again.. Been going on for a while, then it calmed down for about a week, and back it is. I love this kinda weather, and I am eternally grateful that the snow isn't entirely dominating my lovely city. I'll take a storm like this, any day, over snow.. As long as there's a tiny bit of white on the 24th.. I'll live happily ever after without the snow any other day.. The wind blowing outside has a really nice feel to it, by the way. Makes the world seem silent and powerless. It makes me feel more comfortable in general. I wish it could be like this forever :D

I watched Dantes Peak today. Nice movie. I really love disaster movies, even though they're all somewhat the same. They have those really nice scenes of destruction and mother nature showing off her strength. Add some sound effects, and I'm there :) I also like imagining myself in such scenarios.. How I'd react, what role I'd take upon myself. I like to think these movies are somewhat realistic and a good base to my own imagination of such situations. I sure wish my life had more meaning.. Going from day to day, repeating the same meaningless actions.. Not so appealing? I wish I could live in a movie. Be a hero, have a purpose, a mission, a quest.. Well, I guess I do.. It's my mission to treat Nitro the best he can be treated, and it's also my mission to have as much fun as possible :P I guess I've got no other choice but to accept that.. And fun, I shall have..
Adding a picture from our local newspaper. Found it really attractive. Don't remember exactly where I found it, but I'm guessing in some article about our current windy weather.

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