søndag 18. desember 2011


So today I've got a hangover.. I went to a gig in Arendal last night. That is about an hour from where I live.. I brought my dog and got Matt to drive me, as always.
It was a nice ride there, loud music and Nitro was cute :P As he always is, especially in the car.
Didn't have a chance to get too drunk, due to wasting a bit time.. Realized I forgot the ticket at home, on our way there, so we had to turn and get it.
Went in, saw the gig I was there for.. Had 2 beers. Some people recognized me from some afterparty I had been to a couple of months back. I honestly can't recall ever having seen their faces before, but ok.. One guy claimed we had made out, now I'd definately remember that -.- I hope, atleast.. But if it happened, I'm sure I'm much better of forgetting :P
Went with this guy and some others to another location.. Stayed there, mostly in the bathroom, but also watched another band play. Then - as it closed off - I went home.
Apparently I gave this dude my phone number, gg.. I was pretty clear to state I'm not interested, but he claimed to be "j/k" after I said that, so I don't know. Haven't heard from him since atleast.
Also bugged my guild members drunkenly :P Now they all know me, before none of them did.
Also ate a decent pizza that I left out to become super cold this morning o.O It must have stayed for 2 hours or so before I ate it. Not awesome, but when you're drunk you don't really give a fuck, right?

Woke up today around 2.. I had this awesome dream.. My body was in water.. A swimming pool or ocean of some kind. It felt refreshing. I woke up, and felt bad about not being able to be in water anymore.. I do love water, but I think my dream was just trying to tell me how warm and thirsty I feel :) because I did.. So I drank a couple of ice cold canned cokes, and moved on.. Couldn't handle breakfast. Ate half my dinner today.. Totally got no apetite.
I feel a bit crappy, it's a hangover thing - but only if I socialize really. I guess I feel ashamed and worried I said something bad. I don't think I did, as I had more control over myself than I do normally. I hadn't had that much to drink, so.
Saw my reason for going there.. But only barely. The reason looked good off, I guess.. The reason being a person I'm secretly more fond of than I like to admit. Don't think I stand a chance anyway, so I'll leave it at that right now.
Now my one and only female friend is mad at me.. She's only online, but I let her down apparently.. I was supposed to PVP with her in WoW, but I do not recall this promise, due to drinking myself wasted on my way home, yesterday. And now she's going on about how I can't be counted on. I didn't mean to letk her down, I'm sorry? I wouldn't have, if I had remembered :|
So long, blog - anyway.. Gotta resolve this ^^

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