lørdag 21. april 2012

Saturday again.

Let's hope today gets better. I've done my best to grab my life by it's horns. <.<
I made sure not to sleep more than 6-7ish hours. And I popped vitamins, a banana, drank water instantly. Then I washed myself, brushed my teeth and put on makeup.
Funny how much difference makeup makes.
I don't care too much about it when I go out, cause going out is a bitchy task as it is, so the joy of it will fade.
But when I'm alone with myself, wearing makeup can turn my mood upside down.. I all of a sudden feel a little more worthy. And my self-esteem is very much linked to my mood, nowadays.
Makeup wise I did the Kim Kardashian eyes. Takes ages, but IMO it's the only good way to do eye makeup. Used a lipstick called something related to coffee.. Don't recall, cba to check. And then just a simple layer of powder.
Well, let's see how things turn.
I'm probably gonna drink tonight, so I'll probably skip eating. Saves some calories, if I have to be this disobedient. I'm a little cursed with 2 extreme opponents in my brain. I blame my mom and dad. They're like day & night, fire & ice, black & white.. etc.
Basically my left and right side of the brain never agrees on anything, and they're both too stubborn to compromise. So my life is a constant battle between left and right :P I can never seem to balance anything. Either I overdo, or I do nothing at all. Either I'm extremely happy, or depressed.. etc..
I must sound nuts.
But, I probably am to some degree.

Anyway, I hope tonight turns well..

Jeeebus Christus.

I went to bed at around 3am yesterday.. Guess when I woke up.. 8pm <.<
I had overslept for school (1.50pm) once again.
I don't know what's going on with my body, but I'm overall feeling really strange. 
My mood is like neutral. I don't feel too much, besides constant tiredness.
I've been up approx 7 hours now, and I'm already close to passing out again.

Anyway, today hasn't been all too great. Hope tomorrow will turn out better. If not there's always my best friend, beer, at my aid.
Woke up around 8. Ate some mini pizzas. Showered. Listened to some music. Emo'd. Ate wok veggies + rice. And here we are.

Trying to play some World of Warcraft, as I could use a hobby again. Might motivate me a bit to stay awake more. SWTOR requires far too much effort, since I don't have 8 lvl 50's <.< Or even one.
While in WoW, they're all more than caught up, so I won't get too consumed (addicted being the right word), right before my exams.

Watched The Descendants yesterday. Good movie. Well awesome scenary more like it. Filmed on Hawaii.. What I'd give to live there.

onsdag 18. april 2012

Top 20 ugliest women on the planet [IMO]

Here we go..

Katherine Heigl. Not sure what makes me feel this way.. Something about her whale eyes, not to mention blondes with brown eyes rarely look good. She also always plays roles that annoy me.

Bridget Moynahan. What happens when you combine an ugly face with a boring look? Yes, you get a 19th place on my top 20 ugliest women.

Gisele Bundchen. She does look horrible without makeup, but even with.. There's something wrong there. I don't like her eyes, in particular much, but the thing that really messes it up, must be her nose. She's also a model, and they tend to be rather plain looking and way too skinny.

Heidi Klum. Not quite sure what makes people find her so beautiful. She looks like any other blonde. She doesn't have any unique and beautiful facial attributes. She does, however, have weird eyes and an ugly nose.

Jennifer Connelly. Those eyebrows must go.. Either way, her eyes look kinda dead. And she has a way too small mouth. She also looks kinda weird when she speaks. And she has a strange body language. But all in all, she looks like just another woman. And that's uglier to me than true disaster looks.

Michelle Williams. I don't like her eyes. She looks like how I stereotype a Russian. I think this Russian stereotype is one of the ugliest you can come across.. Stretched eyes, plain look. Her nose also doesn't suit her face.

Keri Russell.. Man, woman.. Or perhaps a troll? Everything in her face is too straight, and she doesn't do anything to seperate herself from the crowd.. Besides not brushing her hair, that is.

Emma Watson. Can't stand this look. Pale with light brown hair, and a way too "natural" look. She doesn't have any natural attributes to make herself look good, either.

Shannon Elizabeth. Her eyes really annoy me. And I don't like her posture/body. She just doesn't do it for me.

Karolina Kurkova. Horrible body. Awful nose and eyes. She looks like how I imagine my bitter taste buds looking like.

Kirsten Bell. Another person suffering from the ugly eyes & nose syndrom. With a weird forehead, and a boring look, that is. Thanks for ruining Veronica Mars (@ whoever hired her).

Jennifer Garnier. So much wrong here. Teeth, lips, CHIN!, eyes, nose.. I've got to look away.

Fergie. Great voice, good style concept.. But then I see her face. Thank God for paperbags. Too bad she doesn't wear on. Let's hope her face ended up looking like that, after a bad plastic surgery experience. If not, I wish her children good luck.
That piercing makes everything worse, by the way.

Jennifer Aniston. Can't quite put my finger on what's wrong with her (besides the obvious: eyes, nose, lips, chin).. Either way. This isn't good. So many awesome movies ruined by her.

Jessica Biel. Not sure if she really is that ugly, or if it's just the look she goes for that doesn't suit her. Either way, she's a person I try to avoid looking at for too long. 

Kaley Cuoco. She looks like someone is squeezing all the blood to her head. She's about to pop, that's for sure. She reminds me a bit of a bird. Either way, thanks for ruining Charmed.

Uma Thurman. *Shiver* It's hard to imagine that there's worse to come.. 

Milla Jovovich. She looks like a drag queen who keeps it natural and real. If that's what (s)he is, then more power to her (him?). Those eyes are god-awful. 
Atleast it draws the attention away from her boring style.

Keira Knightley. She's very good at pouting, I'll hand that to her. But the pout is a little too much sometimes, especially when you're trying to get a feel for a storyline. It turns the most serious momentum into a joke.
Either way, I don't think she looks in particular good. Her style is boring (she'd make a great model, with their standards), and her body + posture is weak (for my taste).

Natalie Portman. Not gonna state that I don't see what people see in her, cause I do. The only problem is, I don't see or feel it myself. She's everything I dislike in a woman (pure looks, she seems like an admirable character IRL. And she's a great actress).
Her skin tone looks really bad with her eye & hair color, her eyebrows are too straight. Her nose looks bad, and so does her lips. She'd also make an excellent model, by the way.. She's like the queen of that look. 
Not my cup of tea. But I have no choice but to watch her movies, as she tends to pick strong ones. And she does her job very well.

Ugly Women

Here's some random ugly women.. They didn't make it to the top 20, but I still felt they were too bad looking not to be mentioned.

Random ones:
Miranda Kerr.

Clea Duvall.

Eva Mendes.

Cameron Diaz.

Kate Bosworth.

Kylie Minogue.


Penélope Cruz.

Katie Holmes.

Mayim Bialik.

Ashley Jensen.

Rachel McAdams.

Most attractive women.

Boredom calls. Gonna make a top most attractive and least attractive women.

Starting with most attractive..
Top 23, it turns out to be.

Thandie Newton. She has a really good looking face, however she earns a few minus points for a boring overall look and her beauty mark. <.<

Katy Perry. Mostly for her performance/looks on HIMYM. So, maybe it was more her character who got this spot.

Elisha Cuthbert. The Girl Next Door.. Although not quite the way I imagine a girl next door, she's still a pretty good looking one. She pulls off many different aspects of the blonde look, and even masters most of them. Great face, great body.

Lauren Conrad. Always had a thing for her. Love her cheeks and nose <.<

Charlize Theron. She's got a really great body and beautiful eyes.

Olivia Wilde. Generally a boring look, but she has that glint in her eye, and hot way of moving/talking.. So pictures do not serve her well. She also has great eyes for playing a villain, gotta love that.

Lena Headey. A woman who puts her "strong woman" looks to good use. She doesn't pull off playing blonde very well, but she deserves a spot here nevertheless.

Eva Longoria. One of my favorite types of looks.. She's one gorgeous woman (as long as she keeps her hair and makeup up).

Mila Kunis. 'Nuff said?

Becki Newton. Amusing, badass and cute looking. Her looks don't support her attractiveness altogether, there's just something about the energy she lets out combined with the playful glint in her eyes.

Hayden Panettiere. Here it's a color thing.. The combination of her hair color, skin color and eye color looks sensational. Not to mention, she looks alot younger than she is. Pedo alert?

Courtney Ford. Another one of those women with a "powerful woman"/"glint in her eye" look. But she tops it with some amazing cheekbones. Not to mention, I totally fell in love with her as Christine Hill in Dexter. More psycho chicks, plz.

Christina Aguilera. The master of my two favorite looks (the blonde one and this one). If she looked anything like this natually, she'd be a killer number 1. However, without all the makeup, she looks a bit plain. Now don't get me wrong, I love overuse of makeup and products, combined with attention seeking colors. But I prefer it to support an already extreme look.

Vanessa Hudgens. Close to perfection when it comes to looks, however she loses alot of points on me not liking her. And she lacks a few elements of edgyness in her overall style.

Vanessa Williams. Amazing looks, and she carries her age with grace.

Marion Cotillard. Something about her that I can't quite put my finger on.

Scarlett Johansson. She has one of the best looking figures I know of, not to mention her lips! And great eyes.. Inspite of my lack of fondness for blondes, she turns it into something I might envy.

Megan Fox. The queen of "powerful woman"/"glint in eye" look. But she combines it with my favorite look (Christina Aguilera one), and turns it into a hybrid, master of attraction look. She also seems like am admirable and strong person IRL. If I wasn't so jealous of her, I'd probably put her higher.

James King. The best looking blonde on the planet. What I'd give to have her face.. I've worshipped her since I was 12 years old. This woman deserves more attention than she gets. Minus points for being blonde :P As the last spots will go to people I admire in a copycat-like way.

Kim Kardashian. Royal body. Royal makeup style. Perfect hair. You'll never see me jump on the Kim Kardashian hatin' train. She's just a touch away from perfection, and she even looks good without makeup.

Catherine Zeta Jones. Stunning. 'Nuff said.

Nicole Scherzinger. Another master of my favorite look. Her body is a bit too slim for my taste, or she'd be a definate winner with that face and general look.

Janel Parrish. She doesn't really have a look I'd kill for myself, yet there's just something about her that leaves me breathless. Saw her first on Bratz, and first thing I did was run to the barbershop to check out the price on blue extensions.
Extra points for being from Hawaii. And a winner, we have.
Here's some more pictures of her: