onsdag 1. februar 2012

The party is over.

I recently went a little shopaholic krzy.
With the bills paid, I felt the need to "Spend all the cash" <.<
So I did.. Lots of sales atm, so I bought a crazy amount of 7 pair of shoes.. While searching for one pair a little more appropriate for the winter season. Since I couldn't find one pair to take my breath away, I bought plenty of decent ones.
I also bought loads of clothes.. We're talking 6 pants, 6 shirts, 2 dresses, 5-6 bras (I needed that though, haven't bought a bra since I was in junior high school).
And some other stuff I needed was bought..
I also bought some unncessary fun stuff.. :D
I had a lot of fun.
But now the party is over, and back to economical balance.
I don't think I'll have any issues finding clothes to wear for a while.

It's Wednesday now..
I have planned to eat dinner with Kenneth and drink some beers on Friday. Looking forward to it.
I'm behind on school work again. But I can't find motivation today..
I have a raid incoming, I think I'll spend my energy there, and if I find some spare energy I'll start catching up with history.. I hope to spend tomorrow catching a bit up, and then Sunday and Monday.
I don't wanna pressure myself on days I absolutely don't feel like it, as it makes me avoidant.. Pressure ain't my strong side.
I didn't feel pressured though.. I was highly motivated and cherful just a couple of hours back.
Then my privacy was somewhat invaded, by a female from my school.. I wasn't in a social mood, so I made her take off.. But it ruined my spirit a bit.. Yeah, it's that easy.
Well.. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I manage to catch up and all will be well.
I'm interested in the topics, it's just my mind is flowing with a mix of guilt (for pushing her away and spending cash) and a need to hide out (a consequence of having my privacy invaded, really).


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