onsdag 22. februar 2012


So, I just feel like using my keyboard.. Considering how little I chat, or use my computer for anything constructive (browsing and gaming would be all I do), I barely get a chance to use it :P
So I figured I'd make a "morning" entry.
First and foremost, yesterday went fine.. I dyed my hair, and weirdly enough barely anything got washed off.. The floor was almost clear the entire time, which is uncommon. Normally the floor is soaked in water with the color I dye it in.. The results ended up extreme and satysfying, so inspite of the differences in color, I don't need to redye.
I'll take care of it in 2 weeks, which is a guideline to how often I dye my hair :P
Out of all the deformed parts of my body, my hair isn't one of them.. It's pretty unbreakable, and always ends up looking really great.
I had an odd dream where I met my crush from junior high school, and he liked me back :P After 10 years or so, awesuuum.. I wasn't interested in him anymore, though, but I kept thinking that'd mean that in 10 years I'll have my current crush -.- lolz.
After that me, my ex crush and some people from Holland - where I all of a sudden lived again (under Mariet's roof and all, good times.. I messed that up!) - went off to destroy the ring -.-
Voldemort was on our side, and Sauron was chasing us.. Luckily Voldemort had some tricks up his sleeve, and has also previously worked with Sauron, so we managed to throw him a bit off.. Atleast until we somehow got discovered. So we stopped time, moved the building a bit, and rearranged the area (during the frozen time moment) a bit for battle.. After this I woke up, and BAM It was 14.45 ish -.-
I had alarm on at 12.00, and once again it hadn't woken me up.. Something must be wrongzies?
I went to bed around 2, laid in bed for hours, couldn't sleep 'til around 5.. Mostly cause I was coughing alot, stupid "aftershake".. Also woke up around 9, with the same problem. I managed to eventuelly go back to sleep, after putting Nitro next to me in bed :P I was a bit afraid of ghosts -.- So his presence made me feel safe.
So shameful to admit these strange things. I act really tough and unbreakable amongst others, yet I'm immature enough to fear ghosts when it's dark :D
Just for the record, that only happens if I don't get enough sleep ^_^
I also have lost a 1,3kg since Monday. So for now things are looking up.
Today I have planned: Read through some pages in my history book, read through old PP's, read through the long article, read through the short article.. I think I might leave it at that, since that's alot of reading as it is.. I hope it will help me get a general overview and understanding of a very boring topic :P
Tomorrow I'll be a bit off schedule again then, since I'll have to prioritize PP's from Gym + 1 chapter, and PP from SS + 1 chapter.. So geography get's left out. I'll fit it in this weekend sometime.. Or tomorrow if I can find the time and energy.
Oh well, over and out.

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