mandag 27. februar 2012


So.. I woke up today with "binge pain".. So not only was the alcohol not as satysfying as I'd hoped, but it managed to screw me over for 2 days, rather than one.
Hope I've learned for next time, but it seems I've entered one of the many "bored of alcohol" phases at the right time. Last time I didn't take the oppotunity, now I shall.
It also seems the money spending is endless..
Today I figured I wanted to buy SWTOR.. So ofc I did.. Including extra GC, cuz limitations bug me.. I'd rather throw money out the window, than feel limited during the experience.
I also, ofc, had to go NE again on my priest. The overload of draeneis, and having 2 identical chars (cuz I've used all the good looks, so have to repeat 'em now) kinda got to me.. And the priest gear looks alot better on NE's.. Too bad I truly dislike that race. They look good, but they seem like horrible creatures. I cannot sympathize with that.
Anyway, time to chill with money again.. Already spent all savings I added the past 2 months. These damn savings are supposed to be there for emergency cases (car breaks, Nitro gets sick.. etc), not to enhance my expensive lifestyle.
But seeing as Denmark got cancelled, I think I haven't spent more than I had planned to spend for that trip.. Excluding speakers, but my old ones have been broken for 4 years now, so it was time. (The ones I bought were on sale).
So I'll calm the guilt down..
And yes, I have to find ways to calm guilt down, cause if I feel guilty / bad, I get an "all is lost, might as well take it even further" attitude (:

Not sure if I should study today.. I'm afraid of losing motivation, having quite a few new games in the picture.. But I also intended to keep to my regular schedule, and Monday is an off day on my regular schedule.
Decisions, decisions.. Life is tough, eh? :P
Suppose I should study.. Tomorrow it'll be even harder to make myself, cause I'll get consumed by a new MMORPG.. However, it's vacation. No stress.... right???????
Meh, guilt is consuming again. GG.
I think I'll screw my all or nothing attitude.. I'll read some on geography (from the online classes, provided by my school.. Repeating, basically). And that ought to be enough.. I know I'll feel half guilty, since I'm putting off the hardest subject, but something is better than nothing when it comes to studying on a "sick day".
Fuck my all or nothing attitude, really.. I'm such an idiot.

On another note, I finnished the second Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday.. Haven't seen those movies in a while.. Basically the first right after it came out on DVD (Peppes filmdeal, I do miss it) and the second one, also after it came out on DVD.. So I had forgotten most of it.. Never saw the third one, so I'll do that today.
Johnny Depp is really awesome there. Not hot though.. Facial hair is always a big turn off. Same goes for Mr. Bloom.. But he's not always hot... He was a bit hot in Kingdom of Heaven, and extremely hot in Lord of the Rings. Not sure about other movies.. Sometimes he's hot, just cause I need a reason to force myself through boring movies (Example: Troy). So I push myself into enhancing his good sides.
Not saying he's not attractive, just saying he's not really my type when he's not hooked up in elven costumes.
Whereas Johnny Depp is usually always my type.. Unless he's simply too awesome to be viewed as an object of my desires (like in Pirates of the Carribean) :P
I'll now attempt to write some more in my native language.. My norwegian skills have never been awesome (I blame that on moving @ age 16, missing out on evolving my language to a more mature level).

Så, på tide å prøve.. Driver nå å registrerer en konto til SWTOR.
Okei, nå var det gjort..
Merker jeg skriver ganske mye saktere når jeg skriver på Norsk.. Vet ikke engang om jeg kan bruke ordet sånt, har det fra den Nederlanske versjonen av ordet.
Oh well, har ikke akkurat gått hardt inn for å være flink i Norsk.. Tror skole kommer til å hjelpe endel her, spesielt nå til høsten.. Skal nemlig ha Norsk da (:
Gruer meg til Nynorsk, det er virkelig en svak side jeg aldri har kommet meg over.
Menmen, historie var jo det og.. Og nå er det en av mine sterkere fag.
Men historie har og sine sider som hjelper.. F.eks, finnes det endel kule filmer som er basert på historiske events. Det hjelper en god del på motivasjonen, og til tider hvor jeg har hatt mye problemer med å interessere meg for et tema, har jeg prøvd å se en film som har med det å gjøre.. Det har som oftest hjulpet.
En gang (Romerriket), hadde det motsatt funksjon, men da var jeg og såpass heldig å finne en fin artikkel som hjalp meg med interessen..
Det finnes alltid en løsning :P

Æsj, altså.. Føler meg dehydrert i dag. Samtidig som lungefunksjonen fortsatt er påvirket av Lørdagen (alkohol dreper lungene mine mer enn noe annet, i hangover sammenheng).

Ga forresten ut linken til bloggen min for et par dager siden. Angrer det litt, men vet ikke om han har lest enda. Han har ihvertfall ikke nevnt det. Men lite skade han kan gjøre (vet ikke helt hvorfor jeg er såpass redd for å la folk se meg for den jeg er.. Er utrolig privat av meg når det kommer til sånne ting, ingen kjenner meg på ordentlig.. Har en maske for hver enkelt person)..

Anyway, på tide å gjøre noe annet.. Geo eller slack.. Who knows.
Legger ved enda et fint Hawaii bilde :) Så jeg kan se på det og smile, når jeg engang går igjennom hele bloggen min.

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