mandag 30. januar 2012

Clenching to pain.

So.. In my previous blog entry, it came out how everything seems to be falling into it's right place. Things are going to be allright, it seems.
I went a little "nuts" the past days due to this.. I spent quite an amount of money on things I normally wouldn't. Mostly in the shape of alcoholic drinks, actually. I must have spent one thousand NOK on it this once night, and I partied the following night with a sixpack of ciders.. Adding another 200-300ish NOK to my bill of guilt.
I'm not sure why I'm making such a big deal out of this, but apparently I am.
Money shouldn't be of an issue right now, but I feel beaten down with guilt.
I had my fun, I won't repeat it.. I wish this would be enough to soothe my mind.
But apparently it isn't.
And I've been feeling rather down today..
It's not only that, I suppose it's also social issues (again).. I am not sure if there's an actual issue, as I tend to purposely block out drunken memories.
The thing is, I never tell the entire truth.. And sometimes when drunk, the truths can get a bit mixed up together and turn into lies.
And if you share that with the wrong people, things might add up to seem like a bigger deal than it actually is.
I just hope this can be overlooked.
I won't waste any more cash, I'll only buy necessary things.. I suppose I deserved to celebrate after a rough 6 months :|
I've stacked up on soaps, shampoos, tooth pastes etc.. Bought some makeup I was out of, bought myself a new perfume, and changed a character + migrated a friend's character.
I'm considering buying some waterproof winter shoes, as there's major sales going on atm..
Maybe some other half-necessary items like this..
We'll see.
And the rest shall be kept in a DVD box as savings.. For worse times or potentially a rewarding summer vacation to either Scotland or Runde (near Ålesund), depending on how the economy is going to look.

I just feel like my life is spinning somewhat out of control.. I always go with the flow, but the flow has increased it's speed by 300% and before I have a chance to realize what happens, something new happens.. I barely have a chance to consider my decisions anymore.

I hope for a calm weekend.. No social commitments. I hope this whole week will be calm socially, really.
I'm once again uncertain of whether or not I wish to have friends.
I know one thing though.. I've evolved friendly feelings for someone, and it's really confusing.
I care how she feels :| I enjoy her company ALOT.. And I consider it a distraction, as well as it's rather confusing for my general beliefs..
You're always stronger solo, social only adds distractions, unity means weakness of the one etc..
But who knows, maybe I'd feel a little more emotional about the social if I hadn't gotten any "friends".. I mean, I could always excuse myself of never going out - hence not having friends - if I was having a moment of emotional confusion related to this.. But being in school, I could not use this excuse, so it might have harmed my self-esteem slightly more.

It seems I have resolved the social issues that made me feel bad about a week ago.. No, we're not besties, running alongside the streets, hand in hand, shouting BFF lines.. However, I did send her an apology, and it seems to be accepted.
Now that's enough - I suppose..

Major deja vu right now, btw.

The first "party" was more me and a girl going out.. I bought some drinks for us both, and I abandoned her as she started crying -.-
Bad call, I know, but I hate drunken drama and when I'm drunk myself I act more on impulses.
I ended up following 2 guys at home.. They seemed nice, really, and we had some common friends (:
We tried playing some magic the gathering, but I was too drunk to remember how it worked.
Afterwards the other guy played some Super Mario, while we all watched.
Eventually I went home and slept.

The following day I managed to get ready a little more on time than I had expected.. I had a party to attend, and I was hungover.
Kenneth was joining too.
And we had decided to pick up the girl I partied with the previous night.
Somewhere along the road, I managed to get a bit territorial and anti-social, so I decided to grab some food and drop those 2 off at the party location.
Then Matt drove off to search for a gas station or a supermarket..
I was very excited about having burned 2 new CD's, so I also wanted to enjoy some music while hydrating myself and putting on make-up.
We found a gas station, but I didn't trust the guy behind the counter (I am paranoid, especially when hungover). So we went to a Rimi shop instead.
I bought some "kjøttkaker" from the prepared food section, and a couple of "rundstykke".. I also bought some baby food, mellers candy, mentos candy and a couple of cokes.. This mostly to have something to chose between, although I did end up with the kjøttkaker + rundstyke :P
Then we drove a bit off, and I got a mini panic attack..
Eventually I calmed myself down, and put on make-up.
And then he drove me to the party..
Apparently I recalled the wrong house, so I opened the neighbor's door and realized it was the wrong place.. So I walked a bit further, and found her house.
I entered, but saw there was ALOT more people than I expected.. so I make sure to lock myself in the bathroom to breath, before entering and saying hi.
The party host - the girl I freak myself out with caring for - ensured my comfort.. She gave me a good chair, right next to her.
I sat shyly, and drank some water..
There was this guy there who REALLY caught my attention.. I mean, I still have feelings for "youknowwho", but this guy became a close second.
But as he shared the name with a crush of my "friend", I decided not to allow this.
I subtlely ask if that's the one she had feelings for, though, and it wasn't..
So as everyone went out to smoke, I made sure to stay in.. As he did too, along with another girl.
He made sure to introduce himself to me, and keep up a conversation.
He seemed really plain and boring, but also nice.
So, basically.. He made my night a little more enjoyable.
He's obviously way out of my league, but I had some eye candy to keep me going..
Eventually - as getting drunk turned out to be a slow process (thanks hangover + food) I decided to open up my laptop.. I joined a LFR with Narcosis.
Made sure to fit smokebreaks whenever he had them, and once he told me to come sit next to him - so ofc I did.. Seemed another girl there liked him, though, so she made sure to grab his attention. This is just a speculation though, can't confirm it beyond my observations.
Eventually Kenneth and "insert name" decided to head off to the city.. I said I'd follow but with a car - due to me having brought alot of equipment (laptop, speakers and alcohol).
I didn't though..
Mostly cause I found this eye candy too strong. But also cause I wanted to get to know someone from my social studies class better, and she had not arrived.
I also hate going to the city, and prefer houseparties.
I suppose I offended Kenneth and "insert name", but nothing is confirmed, and I have spoken to them since.
Anyway.. As the night kept going on, I made sure to stare at my eye candy and talk to him whenever possible. And besides that play some WoW and stay on FB a bit.
It was a decent night, but as eye candy and others took off to have their own afterparty, I decided to ask Matt to pick me up.
So he did..
I went home, showered, and fell asleep.
As my memory is clouded, I surely hope I didn't screw anything up..
I was also glad to have a temporar eye candy, and I hope there will be more.. Cause parties can be boring without that tension IMO -.- I guess I party for the wrong reasons, sometimes.

The following day - aka yesterday - I had a pretty badass hangover.. Wasn't feeling too emotionally bad until later on (that always happens though).
I watched some dog whispered and Jaws 3 and Open Water.. Then I googled lots of shark facts, and read some random Wikipedia entries about other scientific things I was into.
I didn't fall asleep until between 9-10 AM.
So naturally I woke up really late today.
Approx around 15.30 the first time, but I kept on sleeping til 17.30 or so..
I hope to be able to go to bed within a reasonable hour, since I have school tomorrow.
I have read through some schoolwork as well, and I suppose I intend to read through some more. The raid got cancelled, which gave me a lovely option to catch a bit up.

Well that's all for now.
I am pretty sure I'll appreciate this blog as time goes on.. I make sure to add as many details as I dare to (just incase someone would ever find it. Apparently googling my email adress allows this, but I really doubt anyone will).
It's nice to record events as I evolve as a person etc :P

Well, over & out.

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