lørdag 21. april 2012

Saturday again.

Let's hope today gets better. I've done my best to grab my life by it's horns. <.<
I made sure not to sleep more than 6-7ish hours. And I popped vitamins, a banana, drank water instantly. Then I washed myself, brushed my teeth and put on makeup.
Funny how much difference makeup makes.
I don't care too much about it when I go out, cause going out is a bitchy task as it is, so the joy of it will fade.
But when I'm alone with myself, wearing makeup can turn my mood upside down.. I all of a sudden feel a little more worthy. And my self-esteem is very much linked to my mood, nowadays.
Makeup wise I did the Kim Kardashian eyes. Takes ages, but IMO it's the only good way to do eye makeup. Used a lipstick called something related to coffee.. Don't recall, cba to check. And then just a simple layer of powder.
Well, let's see how things turn.
I'm probably gonna drink tonight, so I'll probably skip eating. Saves some calories, if I have to be this disobedient. I'm a little cursed with 2 extreme opponents in my brain. I blame my mom and dad. They're like day & night, fire & ice, black & white.. etc.
Basically my left and right side of the brain never agrees on anything, and they're both too stubborn to compromise. So my life is a constant battle between left and right :P I can never seem to balance anything. Either I overdo, or I do nothing at all. Either I'm extremely happy, or depressed.. etc..
I must sound nuts.
But, I probably am to some degree.

Anyway, I hope tonight turns well..

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