lørdag 21. april 2012

Jeeebus Christus.

I went to bed at around 3am yesterday.. Guess when I woke up.. 8pm <.<
I had overslept for school (1.50pm) once again.
I don't know what's going on with my body, but I'm overall feeling really strange. 
My mood is like neutral. I don't feel too much, besides constant tiredness.
I've been up approx 7 hours now, and I'm already close to passing out again.

Anyway, today hasn't been all too great. Hope tomorrow will turn out better. If not there's always my best friend, beer, at my aid.
Woke up around 8. Ate some mini pizzas. Showered. Listened to some music. Emo'd. Ate wok veggies + rice. And here we are.

Trying to play some World of Warcraft, as I could use a hobby again. Might motivate me a bit to stay awake more. SWTOR requires far too much effort, since I don't have 8 lvl 50's <.< Or even one.
While in WoW, they're all more than caught up, so I won't get too consumed (addicted being the right word), right before my exams.

Watched The Descendants yesterday. Good movie. Well awesome scenary more like it. Filmed on Hawaii.. What I'd give to live there.

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